Our Activities

Here is an account of our major activities from 2014 to today:


  • 27 – 28 September: “FantastikA 2014” (Dozza, Bologna), in collaboration with the Dozza-Città d’Arte Foundation and Dozza Council, with among others Thomas Honegger
  • 28th September 2014: AIST – Associazione Italiana Studi Tolkieniani (Italian Association for Tolkien Studies – Tolkien Society of Italy) is founded: the Board of Directors is created, Roberto Arduini is elected as President of the Society
  • November 2014: “Lo Hobbit – un viaggio verso la maturità” (translation of The Hobbit: A Journey Into Maturity) by William H. Green is published (Marietti editore)
  • 17th November 2014: “Viaggio ed eroismo nel Signore degli Anelli” at Palermo University


  • 13 – 14 May 2015: International Conference “All’ombra del Signore degli Anelli” at Trento University, with among others Mark Atherton, Thomas Honegger and Tom Shippey
  • 16 – 17 May 2015: “FantastikA 2015” (Dozza, Bologna), in collaboration with the Dozza-Città d’Arte Foundation and Dozza Council
  • June 2015: Tolkien and the Classics, vol. 1 is published (Effatà editore)
  • November 2015: “Middle Artbook – Disegnare e Costruire la Terra di Mezzo” by artist Ivan Cavini is published


  • 20-21 May 2016: International Conference “La Generazione Perduta” in Verona with Trento University patronage and with among others Verlyn Flieger
  • 24 – 25 September 2016: “FantastikA 2016” (Dozza, Bologna), in collaboration with the Dozza-Città d’Arte Foundation and Dozza Council with among others Fulvio Ferrari and Carlo Maria Bajetta
  • October 2016: “La Reincarnazione degli Elfi e altri scritti” (translation of several linguistic essays by JRR Tolkien, from J.R.R. Tolkien, l’effiges des Elfes by Michaël Devaux – Bragellone, Paris, 2014) is published (Marietti editore)
  • 29 November 2016: “Il vizio segreto di Tolkien: una passione per le lingue” by Roberto Arduini at University of Parma


  • March 2017: “JRR Tolkien, Il signore del metallo” (JRR Tolkien, The Lord of the Metal) by Stefano Giorgianni is published (Tsunami editore)
  • 3 – 6 April: Conference at Bologna International Children’s Book Fair with Lorenzo Gammarelli and Giampaolo Canzonieri
  • 18 – 22 May 2017: Lectio Magistralis by Wu Ming 4 “Waiting for Beren and Lúthien. Women, ladies and heroines in the world of J.R.R. Tolkien” at the International Book Fair of Turin, with Bompiani (official publisher of Tolkien’s works in Italy), with Roberto Arduini
  • 27 September – 1 October 2017: Tolkien Session at Gubbio during Middle Ages International Festival
  • 1st December 2017: International Conference  “Tolkien the linguist” at the University of Parma with among others Leo Carruthers and Federico Gobbo (University of Amsterdam)
  • 14 – 15 December 2017: International conference “Tolkien and the literature of the Fourth Age” at Trento University with among others Tom Shippey, Thomas Honegger and Allan Turner


  • 3 January 2018: Tolkien’s Letters new translation by Lorenzo Gammarelli is published (Bompiani editore)
  • 12 May 2018: Conference at the International Book Fair of Turin: new translation of The Lord of the Rings is announced: talk with the translator Ottavio Fatica (Bompiani) and Roberto Arduini
  • 10 – 14 July 2018: International conference “Monstra II. Symbols and Functionalities of the Monstrous Beings” at Velletri (Roma), with among others Roberto Arduini
  • 22 September 2018: Tolkien and the Classics, vol. 2 is published (Eterea edizioni)
  • 22 September 2018: AIST to inaugurate new Tolkien Studies Centre in Dozza: here La Tana del Drago: here the news and here is its website
  • 22 – 23 September 2018: “FantastikA 2018” (Dozza, Bologna), in collaboration with the Dozza-Città d’Arte Foundation and Dozza Council, with among others Édouard Kloczko
  • 24 September 2018: Conference Constructed Languages, the case of J. R. R. Tolkien by Édouard Kloczko at the University of Parma, with Roberto Arduini and Elisa Sicuri
  • 26 – 30 September 2018: Tolkien Session at Gubbio during Middle Ages International Festival
  • 31 October 2018: Defending Middle-earth second edition by Wu Ming 4 is published (Odoya editore)
  • 1 November 2018: Defending Middle-earth italian translation by Patrick Curry is published (Bompiani editore) with the title Tolkien: Myth and Modernity, edited by Roberto Arduini
  • 28 November 2018: Conference Immaginifico Tolkien, with Alan Lee and John Howe, with Luca Manini (Tolkien’s Bompiani translator) and Roberto Arduini in Milano
  • 29 November 2018: Conference Andata e Ritorno”, viaggio nella creazione di un progetto artistico-culturale e relative applicazioni by artist Ivan Cavini at the University of Parma
  • 29 October – 4 December 2018: literature and writing workshop Lo Hobbit: un viaggio di crescita personale by Wu Ming 4 at Trento University for lit and lang students


  • 3 January 2019: Il ritorno di Beorthnoth figlio di Beorhthelm (The Homecoming of Beorthnoth son of Beorhthelm) new translation by Giampaolo Canzonieri is published (Bompiani editore)
  • 13 March 2019: Conference From J.R.R. Tolkien and Anthony Burgess to Star Wars: Translating Artificial Languages, by prof. Michela Canepari at the University of Parma
  • 23 March 2019: after a depth renovations, La Tana del Drago opens its doors and begin activities
  • 24 March 2019: in Dozza is held the annual AIST assembly: the Board of Directors is renewed, Roberto Arduini is confirmed as President of the Society
  • 31 March: AIST is invited to the opening of the new municipal library of Bomporto (Modena): its name is dedicated to J.R.R. Tolkien
  • 11 – 14 April 2019: Conference “La Terra di mezzo di Tolkien come mondo intermedio” by Claudio Testi at the International Festival of Science and Philosophy in Foligno
  • 4 May 2019: two Conferences and book previews at La Tana del Drago with Wu Ming 4, Patrick Curry and Roberto Arduini
  • 9 May 2019: Il Fabbro di Oxford. Scritti e interventi su Tolkien by Wu Ming 4 is published (Eterea edizioni)
  • 11 May 2018: Conference at the International Book Fair of Turin: Il Fabbro di Oxford. Scritti e interventi su Tolkien by Wu Ming 4 is presented with the writer Roberto Arduini, Sara Gianotto and Marco Arduini
  • 15 June 2019: At Tana del Drago in Dozza the exhibition Draghi Dracones Dracarys! I draghi tra letteratura e folclore is inaugurated with the original paintings of Livia De Simone, Davide Frisoni and Davide Romanini
  • 2 July: AiST is invited to the preview of Tolkien the film at the Taormina Film Fest
  • 3 – 6 July 2019: International conference “Religioni Fantastiche e dove trovarle. Divinità, Miti e Riti nella Fantascienza e nel Fantasy” at Velletri (Roma), with among others Roberto Arduini
  • 25 July 2019: AiST collaborates at “Il Mondo di Tolkien”: Podcast documentary by Benedetta Lelli and Ivan Canu in 8 episodes on Tolkien’s works with international guests: Tom Shippey, Alan Lee, John Howe, Patrick Curry, Brian Sibley, Roberto Arduini, Andrea Monda, Saverio Simonelli, Quirino Principe, Luca Manini, Licia Troisi, Wu Ming 4 and Paolo Gulisano.
  • August 2019: Tolkien and the Classics, english selection and translation is published by Walking Tree Publishers
  • 20 August 2019: I Quaderni di Arda – Journal of Tolkien Studies and fantastic worlds is founded: the first number will be published next December 2019. Here the news and here is its website


For more information, send us an e-mail.

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